Employee Volunteering

Information about volunteering done by employees of a for-profit business or other employer, when that employer is the organizer of the volunteering (finds the projects, recruits employees to do it, provides funds or tools for doing it). Also called "workplace volunteering."

Corporate Volunteering, Kate Reynolds, Take Your Partner for the Corporate Tango, pp. 25-26, Volunteering SA
Creating a System to Involve Staff as Volunteers, Steve McCurley, Rick Lynch and Rob Jackson, Chapter 10, pp. 245-46, Directory of Social Change
Tapping the Small Business Community for Volunteers, Susan J. Ellis, Appeared as an "On Volunteers" column in The NonProfit Times
A white paper that shows how a company can use its meetings and events to become a more responsible corporate citizen, Special D Events , 2010, pp. 18
IAVE is committed to being a global knowledge and thought leader for volunteering, through original research and analysis and by providing access..., pp. 19
By Petra Cook and Nicky Jackson. Explores how volunteering can help to develop the critical professional management skills of working with people who have different timeframes, values and interests. It assesses the personal experiences of senior managers and also their views on volunteering in their capacity as employers. The study also examines the views and actual experiences of returned VSO (UK) volunteers. , 2006, pp. 24
By Corporate Citizenship, The City of London, UK. The benefits of corporate volunteering programs in education. , 2010, pp. 114
By Greg Hills and Adeeb Mahmud, FSG Social Impact Advisors. Site also offers a video on this subject. , 2007, pp. 44
Brookings Institute

Articles and reports about new directions in international corporate philanthropy, including employee volunteer programs. Search on keywords "corporate philanthropy" and "volunteering" to see complete list of resources.

Business in the Community (UK)

Information on the "ProHelp" program linking a network of over 1,000 professional firms to community service needs.

Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR)

Resources for Canadian companies interested in social corporate responsibility.

Charity Village: Corporate Volunteerism

Series of articles from Charity Village on many aspects of engaging businesses in volunteering.

Common Impact

"A nonprofit organization that connects skilled professionals from global companies to high-potential local nonprofits." See theirpublicationsthat make the case for skills-based volunteering by business.

Corporate Institute Blog

Posts about corporate social responsibility and tools for engaging companies in volunteering, from Points of Light..

CRS Wire

Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire Service posts all sorts of press releases and reports on business programs. Search under "volunteer" to find many items.

Global Corporate Volunteer Council

A network for leaders of international employee volunteer programs.

Imagine - Corporate Citizenship

Canada's national program to promote public and corporate giving, volunteering and support for the community. Site has many resources and downloadable materials.

Pro Bono Australia News (blog)

News items focused on volunteering by business people and professionals in Australia as pro bono service.

Pro Bono Junkie's Blog

A blog for those interested in integrating the pro bono ethic into their careers — giving their time and talent to strengthen nonprofit organizations. Part of the Taproot Foundation site.

Realized Worth

Focused on employee volunteering and workplace giving, with many solid ideas and discussions.

Realizing Your Worth (blog)

Thoughts on corporate social responsibility and corporate volunteering by Chris Jarvis in Canada, through his consulting firm, Realized Worth. Has some cogent and valuable resources in the blog's archives.

Taproot Foundation

Taproot is focused on encouragingpro bonodonations of professional services.

US Chamber of Commerce Business Civic LeadershipCenter

The Business Civic LeadershipCenter exists to support the civic and humanitarian initiatives of businesses.

Volunteering England Employer Supported Volunteering Resource Hub

Wide range of articles, guides, reports, and more for those running workplace volunteer efforts -- both for the companies and for the volunteer-involving organizations.

Volunteering Is CSR: The VolunteerMatch Blog for Business Leaders

All about corporate social responsibility.