Our nationally-recognized volunteer management experts help leaders think strategically about how to leverage the power of volunteers to meet the organization’s mission more efficiently and effectively. We look at how volunteers are currently engaged, where the organization is heading, and partner with leadership to intentionally align volunteers to achieve desired goals.
We use assessments and a variety of approaches to understand the operating environment and offer recommendations, training, planning and implementation tools to ensure optimal volunteer impact, empowering staff and volunteers at every level.
Why engage volunteer strategy experts?
- Your organization is expanding, and you want to scale volunteer involvement to support your growth.
- You are not seeing desired results from volunteer efforts.
- You are struggling to recruit and/or retain volunteers; turnover is high.
- You are experiencing negative team dynamics and conflicts among volunteers or between volunteers and staff.
- You want to reap the rewards of engaging volunteers but aren’t sure where to begin.
- You want to create a community of ambassadors.
“Our experience with Adisa exceeded all expectations. Betsy was not only able to help us see what areas we had the opportunity to improve in, but after working closely with us she was able to provide concrete methods and practices that we were able to utilize. With the continued support from Betsy and Adisa we've been able to grow our volunteer department and make it a truly positive experience for both our volunteers and staff.” — Steven Lufrano, Director of Employee & Volunteer Engagement, Bideawee
Results you can expect
- Expanded organizational capacity to deliver programs and services.
- Clarity around the roles that volunteers play and the outcomes they are expected to achieve.
- Greater staff buy-in and enthusiasm about working with volunteers.
- Recruitment is targeted and retention is strengthened.
- Quantifiable return on investment. Organizations that invest strategically in the volunteer infrastructure reap up to $6 return for every $1 they invest.
“Working with Adisa really helped us identify the challenges our volunteer department was facing. Betsy provided guidance and a wealth of information from the other organizations she has worked with, to help guide our volunteer program to its next level. This provided for a better relationships with our volunteers, staff and our community. I would recommend Betsy and Adisa to any volunteer department looking for resources and innovation to grow and develop their program.” — Jen Good-Schiff, Manager of Volunteer Services, Dakin Humane Society