Centers for Resources and Information Serving Geographical Regions

Organizations providing support and services to volunteer-involving agencies and to individuals looking for volunteer opportunities. Some are national, but most are local. Many are called a variation of "volunteer center," These are nonprofit or public agencies, not membership associations for volunteer resources managers.

Don't see your country listed below or in the regions listed to the left? This means no one has shared any information with us. You are welcome to submit your country's information by clicking on the submissions button.

Supports more than one country

European Volunteer Center (CEV)

The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) is a European umbrella organisation of twenty-seven National and Regional Volunteer Centres across Europe. Site is in English and en Français. 


Volonteurope is a European network consisting of more than 1200 organisations, operating in social and civil commitment.  




Comhlámh Code of Good Practice Network (CoGP)

The CoGP Network is a facilitated peer support structure for international volunteer sending agencies based on an agreed set of quality standards. The network offers the following services to members:
i) bespoke training
ii) twice yearly workshop style conferences
iii) organizational peer mentoring
iv) facilitated annual organizational and programme review
v) regular external quality audit

Volunteer Ireland

Volunteer Ireland is the national volunteer development agency and a support body for all local Volunteer Centres and Volunteer Information Services in Ireland. 


Dutch Association of Voluntary Organisations (NOV)

NOV was designated in 1994 as one of the two institutions to support volunteering -- the other was Volunteer Management (SVM), specifically for professional development.  They merged in 2007 into MOVISIE, but became independent again in 2012.


Training and consulting organization bringing expertise in volunteerism to various Dutch regions.

United Kingdom

Northern Ireland: Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA)

A membership and representative umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland: Volunteer Now

Volunteer Now is the lead organization which works to promote, develop and support volunteering across Northern Ireland. 

Scotland: Volunteer Scotland

Site of the volunteer centre network in Scotland.

Volunteering Matters

Formerly CSV (Community Service Volunteers), Volunteering Matters  is "a national charity leading UK volunteering in policy and practice." They now focus on four target populations -- disabled people, older people, young people and families -- by placing "committed and ambitious volunteers to power change in their communities." The organization also conducts and publishes research and produces information blogs. 

Wales Council for Voluntary Action

Provide "excellent support, leadership and an influential voice for the third sector and volunteering in Wales."

Wales: Volunteering Wales (Gwirfoddoli Cymru)

Central volunteering agency for Wales, providing a volunteer opportunities database to the public and volunteer management information to organizations.