Michael Fliess has worked in the field of volunteer management for over fifteen years with a focus in the healthcare sector. His experience in the voluntary sector includes positions as assistant director of volunteer resources at the Hospital for Sick Children, coordinator of the Student Volunteer & Co-Op Program at St. Michael’s Hospital, and director of volunteer resources at Toronto Grace Health Centre. Michael has served in a number of leadership roles with the Professional Association of Volunteer Leaders - Ontario (PAVRO): as a director at large, co-chair of the PAVRO Mentor Program, and survey lead for the Standardized Volunteer Opinion Survey administered by PAVRO. Michael is a graduate of OCAD University with a specialization in design and holds certificates in volunteer management, adult education and training, and emergency management. He began his career in volunteer management completing a one-year mentorship with Marilyn MacKenzie, a leader in the Canadian nonprofit and voluntary sector. Michael is a recipient of the PAVRO Presidents Award (2010) and the Linda Buchanin Award (2014).