Joanne Fine Schwebel is the director of the Volunteer Services and Interpreter Services Departments at Mount Sinai Hospital, where she is responsible for the strategic oversight and implementation for the departments’ more than 1,000 volunteers and 4,000 interpretations annually. Joanne has over twenty-five years of experience in the voluntary sector and holds a master of education degree in adult education and counseling. She has extensive training experience on topics such as the fundamentals of volunteer management, accommodating volunteers with special needs (the right to volunteer, integrating people with developmental disabilities into the community), and managing risk. Joanne also has a strong interest in mentoring programs; was involved in the implementation of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council for her hospital, the Association for the Advancement of Blacks in Health Sciences Summer Mentorship, and the Kohn Jewish Community Internship; and has been a mentor through her provincial volunteer association. She has held leadership positions in her local association for administrators of volunteers and is active in the language interpretation community, serving in leadership positions at the Healthcare Interpretation Network and Toronto Central Language Services Toronto project.