Volunteer Tea

This year, for the first time ever, our school district held a volunteer tea. All district volunteers were invited, and we had enough special mugs and book bags on hand for everyone. We assumed a maximum attendance of 100, but only really expected about 30 people or so. Each elementary, junior high and administrative department selected two "extra special" volunteers to receive additional recognition at the tea. The high school was allowed to select four people due to their much larger volunteer population. We called the additional recognition the "Starfish Award", presenting each of those volunteers with a personalized certificate (featuring the "Starfish Story") and a starfish pin. The event was held in our school district's board room and we decorated using a beach theme, playing Jimmy Buffet music in the background. As each person was called up to receive their award, I read a brief bio about them, submitted by the school or department that nominated that person. Our superintendent gave them their certificate and pin, and another person took a picture of them. We had a very good turnout (over 60 people), everyone enjoyed the "heavy hors d'oeuvres," and people were thrilled to be recognized.

Therese Caldwell