The Volunteer Leadership Training Program in Olds, Alberta, is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, The Wildrose Foundation and Olds College. The participants are asked to journal their experiences. Journalling, I believe,could be a valuable tool for supervisors. The following Journal questions may be valid:
- What did you do today?
- What was the purpose of your task?
- Was your objective met?
- What worked well?
- What could be changed?
- Whom did you assist?
- Whom did you report to?
- What tools, supplies, etc. do/did you need?
- Was the time adequate for the task? If not, why not?
- Where your tools, supplies, etc. adequate?
- What learning/observations did you have?
- What were the benefits from this activity?
- Did you gain any new skills? If so, what were they?
- Was training adequate for the position/activity?
- Would you recommend this activity again?
Asking volunteers to do reflective journalling could identify important needs for the agency, client, and volunteer:
- Is the volunteer contract being fulfilled?
- Is the training adequate or is more/less required?
- What tools/supplies are needed for the task?
- Are the volunteer's needs being met?
- Are the agency's needs being met?
- Are the client's needs being met?
- What could we (client, agency, and volunteer) do better?
Carmel C. Maloney