Ways We've Helped Others

For a family counseling agency, Energize conducted a needs assessment and outlined 61 ways volunteers could be incorporated into service delivery. Through interviews with representative salaried staff and volunteers, we also identified areas requiring revised policies and procedures.

For a new, constituent-run agency serving people with disabilities, Energize gave individualized training to key staff over a period of eight months on how to integrate volunteers into their specialized client services.

For a state justice department, Energize worked with the volunteer project director to redesign the recordkeeping and reporting system and to assess the effectiveness of the volunteer management techniques being utilized.

For an urban Volunteer Center, Energize guided a long-range planning committee in reorganizing the agency. Over a period of three months, we met with community representatives, funding sources, agency staff and Board members to clarify local needs. We compiled several reports on current trends in clearinghouses for voluntary action and on alternative scenarios for agency mission, programming, and funding base.

For a large, all-volunteer association, Energize directed a year-long project to restructure the group's operating procedures. We formed and coordinated issue task forces and facilitated Board redefinition of association goals. The result of the consultation process was a complete revision of by-laws, Board composition, and service priorities.

Comments from Workshop Participants

"A super session! You had us on the edge of our seats and really involved in the material the entire time. I don't know when I've been so motivated and inspired."

"Your workshop concerning effective committee work was excellent! It was fast moving, full of challenge and food for thought!"

"Thanks for conducting another supportive and informative workshop for us. I plan to use many of your ideas in developing our training and recruting plans."

"You certainly did the things we asked--inspire and train, but more than that you helped us chart our course for the future."

"The wheels are turning and the ball is rolling. Thanks!"